August 28-31, 2006. Days 21-24. Everything has been reshelved. The new computers are located on the North side wall. Detailed cleaning work begins.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
August 25, 2006. Day 20. The new fishtank is up and running. There are ten working day left before we open up to the public. Half the books have been shelved.
Patty shelf reading the non-fiction section. Shelf reading isn't as easy as it looks. Each book has to be checked to make sure it is in its proper place.
4:50 p.m.
Staff members discuss the layout of the Circulation Desk which is now located next to the North entrance (the doors facing the bank parking lot).
8:03 a.m.
August 24, 2006. Day 19. Reshelving begins in the Children's Room. Old light tubes are replaced. The new fish tank arrives.
Deborah breaking down the boxes.
Tammi working in the non-fiction section of the Children's Room.
August 23, 2006. Day 18. Books continue to be shelved by the staff. The furniture and book cases are moved back into the Children's Room.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
August 22, 2006. Day 17. The library now has its new carpet. The last roll has been glued to the concrete. The book cases are being bolted down. Staff members now have the task of filled all of the empty shelves with books.
The finished Children's Room.
Lupe surrounded by books.
Brenda and Janet going over the proper placement of a book.
The finished mezzanine area.
Monday, August 21, 2006
August 21, 2006. Day 16. The Children's Room is the last area of the library to get recarpeted. The mezzanine area is done. The shelves have been put back in place. The boxes have been brought out of the Children's Room and are stacked in the aisles. The books will start to be shelved tomorrow.
The new wooden stand for the saltwater fish tank.
August 18, 2006. Day 15. The bookcases and furniture is moved out of the Children's room. With the saltwater tank gone, the painters can come in and finish off the wall. The far end of the library has finished. The reshelving of books should start sometime next week.