Monday, November 26, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007

- Books will be available for purchase
- Book signing by the author
- Refreshment provided by Friends of the Library
On a blazing July day in Central County, California, snitch Johnny Blue is murdered by a lethal heroin injection. Undercover narcotics detective James Wolfe, the operative who handled Blue, goes to the Sheriff's Department substation seeking ex-girlfriend Christy Bristol. In the past he ridiculed her hobby of casting horoscopes. Now he needs her expertise to catch the man he suspects is behind Blue's murder, a drug dealer named Lloyd Parr. ...The reality of what goes on in the fertile land of the San Joaquin Valley is far more disturbing than the Hollywood version of drug lords and a wealthy lifestyle fueled by drug money. In the drug world of the Valley, there are no winners. Only losers.
Visit Sunny Frazier's Web site: http://www.sunnyfrazier.com/
Questions about the program??? Please call Gail Lucas at 582-0261 ext. 104 or e-mail gail.lucas@kingscountylibrary.org
Sponsored by Kings County Library and Friends of the Library