Lee Herrick
Lee Herrick was born in Daejeon, South Korea and adopted at ten months. He is the author of "This Many Miles from Desire." His poems have been published in the Haight Ashbury Literary Journal, Berkeley Poetry Review, Hawaii Pacific Review, Many Mountains Moving, The Bloomsbury Review, and MiPOesias. His work can be found in anthologies such as Seeds from a Silent Tree: Writings by Korean Adoptees, Hurricane Blues: Poems About Katrina and Rita, and Highway 99: A Literary Journey Through California's Great Central Valley. His essays have been published in Korean Quarterly and Visions Across the Americas. He is the founding editor of the literary magazine, In the Grove. He teaches at Fresno City College in California.
Hanford Branch Library
401 North Douty Street
Hanford, CA 93230
Thursday, November 20, 2008
6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Free admission
Refreshments provided by Friends of the Library
Questions??? Please call Gail Lucas at 582-0261 x104 or e-mail gail.lucas@kingscountylibrary.org
Sponsored by Kings County Library & Friends of the Library