Calling All Graffiti Artists!
We're looking for graffiti art to decorate the bookcases in the new Teen Space of the Hanford Library.
Contest will run from October 18, 2010 to December 1, 2010. Contest is open to any artist 18 years of age or younger. Please submit your art (painted, pencil-drawn, computer generated or collaged) on paper no larger than 11"x14", with a submission form from the Kings County Library. All submitted pieces will become the property of the Kings County Library to display at will. All artwork must be original & uncopyrighted. The Kings County Library reserves the right to disqualify any art piece deemed inappropriate. Winner of the competition will receive a $25.00 Target Gift Card and will be contacted before 12/31/2010. If you have any questions, please contact:
The Kings County Library
401 North Douty Street
Hanford, CA 93230